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Understanding Fear and Removing it from Mind.

November 12, 2010

My dear friend,

Fear is a psychic state of mind. Animals and we, humans, both are in-built with this trait called fear. Some type of fears are needed for existence and protecting our self from dangers. There are instinctive fears and fears that we develop due to past experiences. That means some fears are genitically inbuilt at birth and some develop as we grow. A person with no fear at all is likely to face dangers and untimely loss of life due to the elimination of this protective mechanism called fear.

But at the same time, existence of uncalled for fear is what I want to stress here. In this kind of fear, our logical mind is not able to eliminate the inbuilt instinctive fear where logically no reason for fear exists.

Let us consider some examples of this kind of fear.

Many of us are fearful to talk to strangers, though our conscious mind admit it as a fear. Some of us feel unconfortable to face someone high in authority or the boss, though our logical mind acknowledges no reason for that.

Let me now reproduce below some great quotes on fear from my book of inspiration- the Urantia...


Tags: character, courage, fear

Posted at: 12:26 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

BewareIndia Blogs

August 21, 2010

My dear Indian Friend !

Personally I do not have much optimism about eradicating corruption from the Indian society in the near future. Corruption, as it appears to me now, is on a rising trend. But definitely, if history is any indication, it will reach a peak and then start falling down. But that would not happen overnight ! It might take a few generations !

But I am sure, there are at least a minority of Indians, whose actual numbers could be in millions, who are educated, intelligent, god-fearing and honest, who are pained to watch their beloved country getting rotted and looted of its charms and goodness due to corruption and incompetence not only among the leaders, but also in the common masses.

But my dear friend, there is nothing much you can do about it, except that you could probably turn your mind strong and tension-free by creating this chaos of your country as an experiential learning field for you- and probably enjoy watching and learning from the acts of all those around you who ignorantly adopt unfair means for personal gains thinking it as right and fair to succeed in the short life they have in...


Tags: competence, corruption, curiosity, india, life, urantia book, work

Posted at: 10:10 AM | Permalink

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